How to Maintain a Clean Cutting Board

Is the Dishwasher OK for Cutting Boards?

loaded dishwasher
Not all cutting boards can withstand the hot and sometimes rough cycles of a dishwasher.
Tom Grill/Getty Images

Dishwashers do a fantastic job cleaning and sanitizing plastic cutting boards. Some dishwashers even have an antibacterial cycle. If your machine doesn't offer this setting, ensure it washes on a hot setting with water that's at least 165 degrees Fahrenheit so your cutting board gets properly sanitized.

It's a good idea to avoid exposing ultra-thin plastic cutting boards to the dishwasher. Featherweight plastic boards that are only millimeters thick are particularly susceptible to melting on the lower rack, where it gets hottest. If you're concerned about your cutting board melting in the dishwasher, clean and sanitize it by hand.


One of the reasons a dishwasher is so effective at cleaning cutting boards is because of its drying feature that follows the washing cycle. Cutting boards should be completely dry before they're stored. Bacteria typically can't survive more than a few hours without moisture, so make sure this food preparation surface stays dry when you're not using it.

If your dishwasher doesn't get its contents bone-dry, try this easy trick. Remove your cutting board from the dishwasher and stand it diagonally against something to help it air out, rather than laying it flat on a towel. Store your cutting board vertically to minimize moisture or grime from getting trapped underneath.

As for wooden cutting board washing care, absolutely do not run yours through the dishwasher! Wood can get damaged easily when put in a dishwasher.

If you've ever wondered if you should do anything different to clean a cutting board that you've used for prepping meat, your suspicions are correct! Click forward to find out what you need to know.