Nothing heralds summertime and its star-spangled main event quite like a red, ripe, juicy watermelon. That is, unless your sweet, refreshing dessert should begin to spit, hiss and foam, and then go KABLOOEY, spurting putrid juices all over your picnic or – perish the thought – spewing mushy melon guts all over your kitchen or festive tablescape.
So just how obnoxious can one fruit be, you ask?
For the most part, you'll never meet a more pleasant snack than the watermelon. It's like the John Candy or Labrador retriever of fruits. But every now and then, like other things in life, you run into a bad one. And when you do, there's no need to freak out or disavow the Citrullus lanatus. Instead, be curious and amazed, as an exploding watermelon definitely makes for a really weird science story to tell your friends or, better yet, a jaw-dropping YouTube video:
So what's going on when a watermelon turns prankster and explodes?