Search Results | Garden

Your search for "Garden" returned 121 results

What's the difference between an herb and a spice?

Wondering what's the difference between an herb and spice? Find out and learn all about herbs and spices at HowStuffWorks.

5 Tips for Baking the Perfect Cookie

These tips for baking the perfect cookie will put an end to your burnt cookie problems. Check out these 5 tips for baking the perfect cookie.

5 Fun Dinner Party Gifts for Guests

Are you looking for information on fun dinner party gifts for guests? Check out this article and learn about 5 fun dinner party gifts for guests.

When Bad Watermelons Explode on Good People

It's fairly rare, but a potentially catastrophic rind failure lurks under the green-striped shell of every seemingly innocent watermelon in the produce aisle.

How Escargot Evolved From Snail Snack to Treat for the Elite

Escargot is a delicacy of snails that's common in many European countries like France, Spain and Portugal. But what do snails even taste like and how are they prepared?

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Indian Corn

We've compiled everything you ever wanted to know about indian corn in this article. Learn about indian corn at HowStuffWorks.

Who decides what goes into school lunches?

Are you wondering who decides what goes into school lunch plans? Check out this article at HowStuffWorks to learn who decides lunch plans for schools.

When is the best time to go to wine country?

Are you wondering when is the best time to go to wine country? Check out this article and learn when is the best time to go to wine country.

Why is a tomato called a love apple?

Are you wondering why is a tomato called a love apple? Learn why a tomato called a love apple and more about tomatoes in this article.

10 Creative Ways to Use Banana Peppers

Are you looking for some creative ways to use banana peppers? Then check out these 10 creative ways from HowStuffWorks to use banana peppers.

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