Imagine riding a bicycle on country lanes past vineyards and quaint villages, sharing the beauty and bounty of nature with close companions. Now and then, you stop for refreshment and relaxation at a winery, where you sample the local wares.
Does that sound pleasant to you? If so, you understand how bicycling through wine country has become popular virtually everywhere wine is made. In the United States, the Napa and Sonoma valleys in California are the best-known areas for bicycle touring. But wherever winemaking has begun to flourish -- Virginia, North Carolina, Oregon and other states -- bicycle touring through wine country has followed.
You could just head out with your bike and a map to your favorite wine region and pedal away. But if you want your experience to be as great as that picture in your mind's eye, you'll probably need more of a plan. There are many different ways to bike through wine country. Choose the way that suits your interests and needs.
Read on for some helpful tips.