How to Eat Dragon Fruit

By: Patty Rasmussen  | 
Dragon fruit
Eating dragon fruit is easy. You just need to know how to slice it and get to the edible flesh. Jiffy Avril/Shutterstock

You have to commend the first person courageous enough to figure out how to eat dragon fruit. They must have been awfully hungry to have looked at the tropical fruit with roughly textured and scaly bright red skin and thought, "That's gonna taste good."

But, like so many things in life, dragon fruit once again proves it's what's on the inside that counts. And while it might look like something a surrealist artist dreamed up, dragon fruit is beautiful and surprisingly refreshing, slightly sweet and nutritious.


What Is Dragon Fruit?

Dragon fruit is a tropical fruit grown throughout the world. It can have either bright pink or yellow skin that is covered with what looks like prickly scales. But that's just the dragon fruit's exterior. The real surprise is what's inside. Dragon fruit flesh is white, sometimes magenta, with tiny black seeds.

The white flesh has a crunchy texture and tastes like a cross between a pear and a kiwi. It's sometimes called a strawberry pear. The flesh contains lycopene, which is associated with lowered risk for cancer and heart disease.


Dragon fruits are often found in Asian markets, but depending on where you live, you might find them in your local grocery store or farmers markets. They are imported and can be expensive.

So that's what they look like and where you find them, but how do you eat dragon fruit and what do they taste like?


Choosing Dragon Fruit

When you're purchasing dragon fruits, look for ripe fruit. The ideal dragon fruits will be bright with evenly colored skin still firm to the touch. If the points on the leaves look brown or wilted, it's probably over-ripe. That rule of thumb can also help you avoid dull or mushy fruit.


How to Cut Dragon Fruit

Dragon fruit
Sliced or chopped dragon fruit is ideal for dishes like fruit salad and smoothies. Anton Brehov/Shutterstock

Grab a sharp knife and follow these easy instructions to cut your fruit:

  1. Slice a ripe dragon fruit in half down the center.
  2. Pull the thick, waxy skin away from the rest of the fruit.
  3. Use a large spoon or melon baller to scoop the flesh out of each half.
  4. Place each half face-down on a cutting board.
  5. Cut the dragon fruit flesh into cubes or slice as desired.

Don't cut the dragon fruit until you're ready to eat it. And remember, the white flesh is the only part of the dragon fruit you eat. Once it's cut, store dragon fruit in the refrigerator in an airtight container for maximum freshness. It will stay fresh for a couple of days.


How to Eat Dragon Fruit

As we mentioned, dragon fruit taste is mild and fresh, and sometimes the most basic way to eat it is best. You can simply slice the dragon fruit as you would an apple and drizzle it with honey. Or add small chunks to a tropical fruit salad or a smoothie with berries, bananas and coconut milk.

Dragon fruit slices make striking additions to savory salads as well. Some fans enjoy dragon fruit flesh eaten directly out of the peel.


The tasty treat also has some sweet health benefits. Dragon fruit is a low-sugar snack with lots of fiber and vitamins C and A. It does, however, lose its nutritional value, flavor and beauty when it's cooked, so stick to eating it raw.

