Healthy Living

Nutrition couldn't be more important in today's society as our collective waistline continues to expand. Learn the secrets to cooking healthy and knowing how to make good-tasting food without all the fat and cholesterol.

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Did you know that there are almost as many types of vegetarians as there are reasons for becoming one? Find out why vegetarians are such a diverse lot.

By Sarah Dowdey

Losing weight basically comes down to using more calories than you consume. Learn about the number of calories in 45 common foods in this article, including apples, carrots, and ice cream.

By the Editors of Publications International, Ltd.

Vegans take vegetarianism several steps further, avoiding even animal products like honey and silk. Learn about what it's like to be a vegan and why veganism seems to stir up controversy.

By Sarah Dowdey


You may have heard of the Atkins diet, a high-protein diet that threw people into something of a protein obsession. Is protein really that important? And what about vegetarians? If you're not eating meat, are you missing something important in your diet?

By Katie Lambert

If you're a healthy eater who turns to pizza as an occasional junk-food splurge, you may experience some guilt after you've downed a few (or five or six) slices of cheesy, empty-carb heaven. But soon, that could all change. Sort of.

By Julia Layton

The protein in meat, poultry, and fish offers health benefits, including lowering bad cholesterol and reducing heart disease. Eating healthy is another alternative treatment against illnesses. Learn the health benefits of meat, poultry, and fish.

By Betsy Hornick & Eric Yarnell

Fruits and vegetables offer health benefits, including protection from heart disease, high blood pressure, and other illnesses. Eating healthy can be part of an alternative treatment against disease. Learn the health benefits of these foods.

By Betsy Hornick & Eric Yarnell


Nuts may be high in fat, but they contain mostly mono- and polyunsaturated fats, which are heart healthy. Studies have shown that nuts can help lower LDL cholesterol. Learn the health benefits of nuts.

By Betsy Hornick & Eric Yarnell

Seeds are an excellent nutrition package filled with minerals, folic acid, and bone-building calcium. It's surprising we eat seeds as an occasional snack instead of a staple of our diet. Learn health benefits of seeds.

By Betsy Hornick & Eric Yarnell

Legumes are good sources of high protein and offer health benefits, including lowering heart-disease risk. Eating healthier with legumes can be part of an alternative treatment against illness. Learn the health benefits of legumes.

By Betsy Hornick & Eric Yarnell

No matter how it's made, cheese is a concentrated source of many nutrients, including calcium. There are many nutritional ways to add cheese to a healthy diet. Learn the health benefits of cheese.

By Betsy Hornick & Eric Yarnell


Grains in your daily diet can make your body stronger and offer another alternative treatment against such illnesses as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and gastrointestinal troubles. Learn the health benefits of grains.

By Betsy Hornick & Eric Yarnell

Dried beans, nuts, and seeds are good sources of protein and offer health benefits, including lowering heart-disease risk. Eating healthy is another alternative treatment against illnesses. Learn health benefits of dried beans, nuts, and seeds.

By Betsy Hornick & Eric Yarnell

How much does a person eat in two years? A trip to Mars is supposed to take six months to get there and six months to get back, and with perhaps a year spent on the planet, how much food would the ship have to carry for each person?

I read labels on food packages and always see the number of calories listed. What are calories? How are they measured in food?


A fascinating article that explains the techniques and science behind low-fat baking!

By Sarah Phillips