Healthy Living
Nutrition couldn't be more important in today's society as our collective waistline continues to expand. Learn the secrets to cooking healthy and knowing how to make good-tasting food without all the fat and cholesterol.
Want a Perfect Cuppa Joe? Roast Your Own Coffee Beans
How Escargot Evolved From Snail Snack to Treat for the Elite
Capicola: The Italian Dried Meat Tony Soprano Called 'Gabagool'
Spread Holiday Cheer With a Good Mulled Beer
What Is Candy Corn and How Is It Made?
Why Restaurants Are So Loud These Days
How to Cut a Pineapple in 4 Easy Steps
Butter Boards Are Creaming Charcuterie Spreads This Season
5 Ways to Open a Can Without a Can Opener
Discovering the Vibrant Flavors of Hungarian Cuisine: A Culinary Journey
10 Sweetest Apples to Bake, Make Applesauce, or Eat Fresh
The Hottest Pepper in the World Is Another Puckerbutt Creation
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Home meal delivery services take the guesswork out of dieting, but do they really deliver the goods? The short answer is yes -- and no. While they do have many advantages, they may not have long-lasting effects.
By Sara Elliott
You don't have to look far for a number of likely culprits in the healthy-diet battle. From nutrition-barren fast foods to packaged foods filled with sodium and bad-for-you fats, eating a healthy diet can be tough.
By Sara Elliott
When you're craving fatty foods -- pizza, potato chips or chocolate cake -- you know a salad just isn't going to satisfy your hunger, and you may be wondering why fat tastes so good.
By Sara Elliott
Sometimes knowing what 2-3 servings of chicken looks like can be sort of tricky to visualize. Check out these food proportions pictures to see how they relate to everyday objects.
Created to help Americans live a healthy lifestyle, the USDA food pyramid, also known as MyPyramid, gives daily food serving suggestions for the average adult.
For a lot of people, gaining weight comes as an accident. Whether it's by eating for the wrong reasons or simply not being aware of what and how much you're putting in your mouth, the weight can just pile on. But a food journal can help.
By Sara Elliott
Science has proven that some foods can actually improve our moods. Would you choose these so-called happy foods over rich, bad-for-you comfort foods? You don't have to. We've replaced the naughty with nice in these favorites for you.
By Alia Hoyt
The tomato is a versatile fruit parading around in a vegetable suit. And although there might be some confusion about what it is, there's no doubt the tomato is a tasty treat that's good for you, too.
By Sara Elliott
If you've ever longed for a piece of your grandmother's apple pie or had an intense need for potato chips, then you've probably had a food craving for a comfort food. Why do we crave certain foods, and how do we avoid them?
It sounds like a greeting card, but health really is a gift. Whether you want to live a healthier lifestyle yourself or want to encourage healthier habits in others, there are some steps you can take now to get and stay on the right track.
By Sara Elliott
The ads say that eggs are incredible and that they're nature's most perfect food. But conscientious shoppers take note: Some eggs aren't all they're cracked up to be. What type should be on your grocery list?
As adults, some of us crave rich, savory treats, such as caviar and foie gras. But for children, anything with sugar will satisfy and delight. Why do kids have such a yen for sweets?
By Alia Hoyt
While it might be tempting to start up a healthy, organic diet, the price is pretty prohibitive. If you can't go completely organic, where should you start?
The raw food diet isn't for everyone. To become a raw foodie, you have to stop eating anything that's been cooked. Could you handle it?
By Olivia Page
"A spoonful of high-fructose corn syrup makes the medicine go down" just doesn't have the same ring to it. Is this artificial sweetener the sugar cube's evil twin?
By Tom Scheve
While peanut butter does contain a lot of the components you need in your daily diet, it doesn't have all of them. What would happen to your body if you only ate peanut butter?
Locavores avoid eating ingredients that have not been grown and produced locally. But does giving up your morning coffee or even chocolate really help the environment and the local economy?
Getting enough daily fiber is important for good health. How much fiber do adults need? What does fiber do? Find fascinating fiber facts and tips on how to get more fiber in your diet in this article.
Food label terms can be confusing and vague. Don't be mislead by false advertising. See a glossary of food label claims and learn what food labels are really saying.
The good news is that you don't have to do too much to most recipes to make them suitable for one or two. Knowing how to decrease the yield of a recipe opens up a world of food choices, and the more varied your diet, the easier it is to eat well. Get tips.
Knowing how to get more fruits in your diet can help you stay healthy and keep your weight down. Fruits are low in fat and calories, packed with vitamins and minerals, and is a good alternative to sweets. Learn how even diabetics can eat more fruit.
Finding it a challenge to get your family to eat healthy? Learn how to incorporate more vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.
By using these low-sugar baking tips, you can enjoy sweet treats without worrying about ruining your diet. Reducing your sugar intake is one of the most difficult aspects of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Learn more low-sugar baking tips.
Eating whole grains as part of a healthy diet can help reduce the risk of heart disease, some types of cancer, and Type-2 diabetes. Learn more about the benefits of whole grains.
Many fast foods contain nearly all of a person's daily fat and calorie requirements. Learn the calories and fat in 36 fast foods, including the Baconator and a Double Whopper with cheese.