Food and Recipes

Here is a place for you to play with your food -- literally: enjoy, have fun with and celebrate food -- but don't worry, we'll still help you get dinner on the table every night.

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How much do you really know about kiwis? Yes, they're green and delicious, but are you aware of the plethora of health benefits these tasty fruits offer?

By Echo Surina

Are you going to end this meal with a hug -- or perhaps a kiss? If so, you'll need a superhero to fight that villain in your mouth: Bacteria. Do parsley and mint fit the bill?

By Debra Ronca

Taking good care of your teeth, gums and mouth is a given, but what does water have to do with it?

By Emilie Sennebogen


Can't get enough of your favorite canned soda? Maybe you'll drink your last after you read what it's doing to your mouth and insides.

By Beth Brindle

Pasta is one of the quintessential comfort foods. It's delicious, filling and easy to chew -- which may be why it's a great meal for someone with toothaches or recovering from oral surgery. Here are some dishes that make your mouth feel good.

By Marie Willsey

With all the hoopla about natural and artificial sweeteners, getting the facts straight can leave you feeling sour. Are either really better for you?

By Christine Venzon

Believe it or not, chewing gum can be really beneficial for your teeth -- if you chew it long enough.

By Sara Elliott


Dark chocolate has gotten a bad rap over the years as a candy that gives you cavities. You don't want to eat too much of it, but a nibble here and there can actually be good for your teeth.

By Jessica Willis

You just bought a bag of frozen lobster tails and are wondering how to cook them in the oven. In this article we will show you how to cook lobster tails in the oven.

By Contributors

You want to cook shiitake mushroom, but you're not sure how to do it. Learn about how to cook shiitake mushroom in this article.

By Contributors

Learn how to cook spiral ham and serve your family a ham dish they'll love. Learn about how to cook spiral ham in this article.

By Contributors


You want to make pancakes from scratch, but you're not sure how to do it. Learn about how to make pancakes from scratch in this article.

By Contributors

You want to make fudge, but you're not sure how to do it. Learn about how to make fudge in this article.

By Contributors

When you know how to make powdered sugar, you can make cookies, icings and cakes with your own homemade sugar. Learn about how to make powdered sugar in this article.

By Contributors

You're thinking ahead, and have baked cookies for the holidays, which you want to freeze without them having freezer burn. Follow the simple instructions to learn how to freeze cookies without them having freezer burn.

By Contributors


At any time of year, New York wine country is full of opportunities to tour, taste and explore the state's beautiful viticultural, or wine-producing, areas. What's the best way to see New York wine country?

By Becky Striepe

American wines are relatively new to the game, but they're growing in popularity and gaining more respect. Learn more about these rookie wines.

By Sara Elliott

Join us as we explore everything about Greek wines, including their divine history, diverse production regions and delicious applications.

By Christine Venzon

Bike tours have become popular in virtually every place that wine is produced, but how do you combine wine tasting and a strenuous activity like biking? It's a lot easier than you'd think, actually.

By Linda C. Brinson


Wine country is the chic choice for winery tours, honeymoons, anniversary celebrations, graduation trips and girlfriend getaways. But when should you go? Which time of year will provide you with the best possible experience?

By Denise Harrison

From rivers to forests, Northern California's wine country boasts more than just wineries, and balloon tours are a whimsical way to take in these breathtaking views. How can you take a hot air balloon through wine country?

By Becky Striepe

Why tour one vineyard when you can visit several? Hit the road and plan a great trip through wine country.

By Jane McGrath

You don't have to live in Napa Valley to host a wine country party. This romantic pairing of wine, food and friends can happen anywhere. We'll show you how.

By Sarah Winkler


Think there's just a few crushed grapes and some sugar in your wine? Think again. There's a lot more that goes into making that bottle of vino we all love.

By Beth Brindle

If working with wine is your ultimate dream, there are a number of ways in. From making the wine to working the fields, we'll tell you about the 10 coolest jobs.

By Emilie Sennebogen