BBQ & Grilling

The BBQ & Grilling channel is here to help you cook an amazing meal on the grill. Read how to smoke a chicken, grill a juicy hamburger and learn how to obtain the perfect grill marks on your foods.

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The word "hibachi" has its origins in Japan, where it translates to "fire pot."

By Tara Yarlagadda

Barbecue season is upon us in all its mouth-watering glory. What's your BBQ IQ? Find out with this quiz.

By Alia Hoyt

Almost every country in the world has some dish involving meat cooked over the fire. In the U.S., it's called barbecue. Come with us on a mouthwatering-journey through the history, politics and techniques of barbecue.

By Patrick J. Kiger


Corn's natural sweetness is brought out when cooked over an open flame. You can learn more about how to grill corn on the cob from this article.

By Contributors

There are many types of steak that you can grill to perfection over an open flame. You can learn more about how to grill a flank steak from this article.

By Contributors

Before you grill bratwurst, make sure to check whether it's raw or precooked. You can learn more about how to grill bratwurst in this article.

By Contributors

We associate grilling with sunshine and fun. Although the weather doesn't always cooperate, you can still have a good time grilling in the rain, snow or cold. Here are some tips designed to help you cope.

By Linda C. Brinson


For most, grilling means cooking outdoors for family and friends on a warm, summer day. But there's a group of people out there that see grilling as so much more: a competition to be named the best griller in the land.

By Sara Elliott

Have you ever wanted to build your own barbeque pit? These building a barbecue pit pictures will show you the steps for constructing a barbecue pit.

Fire up the grill and start grilling like a pro with these great grilling tips from Johnny Trigg of Smokin' Triggers BBQ.

By Johnny Trigg

Roasting a whole hog is a longstanding tradition for many barbecue chefs, especially those in the Southern United States. But before you send the invitations out for your pig roast, you'll need to locate a hog, dig the pit and find some patience.

By Emilie Sennebogen


Since grilling became popular after World War II, it's seen some big changes. What started out as a metal pan on legs has turned into a favorite weekend pastime. So, who's the genius behind the grill?

By Sara Elliott

There are dozens of different cuts of meats on the market. And each cut is prepared in its own way to bring out the most flavors. Some are braised, some are roasted and some are pan-seared. But some cuts are just made for the fire of a grill.

By Emilie Sennebogen

Keeping a clean grill is the secret to great barbecue. After all, yesterday's steak marinade won't taste good on today's lime-grilled tilapia.

By Emilie Sennebogen & Ada Tseng

What barbecue is complete without complementary side dishes? They pair exceptionally well with grilled foods, not only because they score serious points for taste but also for their practicality.

By Echo Surina & Jill Jaracz


Barbecue is undeniably popular fare -- even cavemen probably ate it. And if you want to start an argument, ask a crowded room what's better: the wet or dry stuff. Is it really so different?

By Candace Keener

Smoking foods is a great method of preservation and enhances meats and other foods with a distinctive flavor. Smoking requires a decent amount of preparation, but the payoff is well worth the effort. Learn more about how to smoke foods.

By the Editors of Easy Home Cooking Magazine

Grilling food is one of summer's treats. With new grilling methods, you can now grill year-round to enjoy the sweet smoky barbecue taste. Learn how to grill all types of food in this article.

By the Editors of Easy Home Cooking Magazine