Food Facts & Fun

Food Facts is a listing of articles that teaches you how all types of foods, drinks and diets work.

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American wines are relatively new to the game, but they're growing in popularity and gaining more respect. Learn more about these rookie wines.

By Sara Elliott

Join us as we explore everything about Greek wines, including their divine history, diverse production regions and delicious applications.

By Christine Venzon

Bike tours have become popular in virtually every place that wine is produced, but how do you combine wine tasting and a strenuous activity like biking? It's a lot easier than you'd think, actually.

By Linda C. Brinson


Wine country is the chic choice for winery tours, honeymoons, anniversary celebrations, graduation trips and girlfriend getaways. But when should you go? Which time of year will provide you with the best possible experience?

By Denise Harrison

From rivers to forests, Northern California's wine country boasts more than just wineries, and balloon tours are a whimsical way to take in these breathtaking views. How can you take a hot air balloon through wine country?

By Becky Striepe

Why tour one vineyard when you can visit several? Hit the road and plan a great trip through wine country.

By Jane McGrath

You don't have to live in Napa Valley to host a wine country party. This romantic pairing of wine, food and friends can happen anywhere. We'll show you how.

By Sarah Winkler


Think there's just a few crushed grapes and some sugar in your wine? Think again. There's a lot more that goes into making that bottle of vino we all love.

By Beth Brindle

If working with wine is your ultimate dream, there are a number of ways in. From making the wine to working the fields, we'll tell you about the 10 coolest jobs.

By Emilie Sennebogen

Wine enthusiasts are eager to view nutrition research through rose-colored glasses -- ourselves included. We set aside our bias to find 5 facts about the nutritional value of red wine.

By Christine Venzon

Rose wines are favorites for warm summer days. They may have a hint of their fruity origin, but they aren't necessarily sweet.

By Natalie Kilgore


Grapes beget wine. Wine begets joy. And grapevine care -- including pruning -- is vital to getting the best vino. Learn how timing, technique and the extent of pruning affect vine health, grape yield and quality of product.

By Heather Kolich

Don't be fooled into thinking you have to pay more for a good bottle of wine. Just be informed, be practical and keep tasting.

By Jodie Schneider

Port is made in a number of winemaking countries, but the authentic product is unique to Portugal. Find out how this typically sweet wine came to be.

By Sara Elliott

You're out of brown sugar and would like to make a substitute. This article will tell you how to make a substitute for brown sugar.

By Contributors


Sweet potatoes have been around a long, long time, but it seems like they're just now getting the fanfare they deserve. If you'd like to add this good-for-you vegetable to your diet, here are five ways to liven it up.

By Emilie Sennebogen

Summer days by the pool call for delicious, nutritious snacks that are quick to prepare. While you're splishing, splashing and having fun in the water, let your taste buds have some fun with these 10 easy poolside snacks.

By Stefani Newman

Americans eat more than 15 pounds of ice cream each year, but there's more to the creamy, cool concoction than classic vanilla, chocolate and strawberry. Check out these 10 unexpected ice cream flavors and ingredients. We dare you to try them!

By Heather Kolich

Sure, you could go out to dinner for Valentine's Day like every other couple. But why not surprise your man with a fantastic dish that'll knock his socks off?

By Christine Venzon


Canned tomatoes come diced, stewed, whole, sauced and in paste. But can one substitute for the other? After all, they're all tomatoes, right?

By Sara Elliott

Does it really matter if your carrots are boiled, steamed or roasted? Actually, it does. But that's the only simple part of the equation. Why would cooking vegetables make them less healthy?

By Julia Layton

The great tomato storage debate seems to be settled by the label on that little package of Romas warning: "Never Refrigerate." Pretty straightforward. Still, many people do just that and claim no ill effects. So, is the warning valid?

By Julia Layton

Tomato seeds are teeny-tiny, but they hold a lot of potential. If you extract and dry them properly, you can create your very own heirloom tomatoes and enjoy your favorite varieties from year to year.

By Natalie Kilgore


Tomato puree can serve as a base or add flavor to lots of dishes. What's more, it's quick and easy to prepare. Here's how to add it to your cooking repertoire.

By Sarah Winkler

Pelting unlucky victims with rotten produce is one of our oldest forms of expression. So, where did it start and why?

By Sara Novak