Food and Culture Facts

Food & Culture deals with how we perceive food in our daily lives and how it can affect us in both positive and negative ways.

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Sure, you could go out to dinner for Valentine's Day like every other couple. But why not surprise your man with a fantastic dish that'll knock his socks off?

By Christine Venzon

When people want to help feed the hungry, most will donate food, time or even money. And those things are always needed and appreciated. But if you want to get more involved, we have a list of things you can do.

By Sara Elliott

Have you ever left the theater after a food-centric film with your mouth watering for the onscreen delights? What are 10 movies that have left us wanting more -- or left us seriously questioning what's stocked in the pantry?

By Jessika Toothman


Liver in your strudel? Sure, 3-year-olds are picky eaters, but sometimes full-grown taste buds have some strong opinions, too, like no organ-filled pastries. What are 10 foods we love to hate, and how can we get past our culinary prejudices?

By Julia Layton

Today, there are vast culinary realms to explore, and the route is as clear as your Internet connection. We've got five foods you should give a chance -- some you might recognize, some you might read about for the first time, others could have you holding your nose.

By Christine Venzon

Christopher Columbus' travel food was a bit of a mixed bag. On the one hand: sailors' hardtack. On the other: the delicious spices and fresh vegetables of the New World. What are five things Columbus would have eaten on the journey?

By Julia Layton

If your exuberance for raw oysters, black coffee and moldy cheese makes your friends gag, then you've acquired a taste they haven't yet learned to like. Which foods don't make the best first impression?

By Debra Ronca


Have you ever made gelatin with bits of turkey suspended in it? Or drunk Tang because it was space-aged? If so, then you've embraced a food fad. Let's take a look at yesterday's and today's greatest food crazes.

By Debra Ronca

Choosing tailgate party treats can be tough -- you want to please the crowd, but you don't want anyone getting sick. What should you avoid if you want to keep your partygoers safe?

By Christine Venzon

We eat them for breakfast, lunch and dinner -- and can't get enough! Whether you take yours hot or cold, loaded down with deli meat or spread with gourmet jellies, there's no arguing that sammies are here to stay.

By Echo Surina

When city-dwellers have to eat on the run, we hit the nearest hot dog cart or taco stand. Street food is plentiful in bustling metropolises, and the cuisine will transport you to places like Greece and Old World Vienna.

By Oisin Curran


Neighbors may not meet over the outdoor clothesline anymore, but that doesn't mean we have to ignore them completely. Want to create a few fun summer memories while getting to know the people you're sharing the community with? Throw a block party.

By Sara Elliott

Chinese New Year is made up of a rich fabric of symbols, traditions and superstitions designed to influence the future. With a cultural heritage that spans more than 5,000 years, it's a 15-day celebration filled food that may shape your future.

By Sara Elliott & Francisco Guzman

Ever wonder why you hated broccoli as a kid but now eat every spear on your plate? The answer: the evolving palate.

By Sarah Siddons & Sara Elliott

Where can you find the world's best pasta? The obvious answer is Italy, where the food staple originated. But did the Italians take a culinary cue from the Chinese? Were Marco Polo and Kublai Khan swapping recipes in the 13th century?

By Cristen Conger


You'd be hard pressed to find a Canadian restaurant in the United States (except for the 300 Tim Hortons franchises...we'll get to that), but Canada's cultural and geographic diversity has produced quite a few foods that can boast Canadian heritage.

By the Editors of Publications International, Ltd.

Henry VIII was known for hosting opulent feasts with every delicacy you could imagine. Read our list of 12 items found at a feast of Henry VIII, including whale meat and grilled beavers' tails!

By the Editors of Publications International, Ltd.